information technology

the development, implementation, and maintenance of computer hardware and software systems to organize and communicate information electronically.
Abbreviation: IT.
Examples from the web for information technology
  • And it is nearly certain that few of them-and few industries based on them-will come out of computer and information technology.
  • Well, my background was always in information technology.
  • New advances in information technology have made such collaboration much easier and more common.
  • He worries that the next breakthroughs in energy, transport and information technology will occur elsewhere.
  • The biggest change in the past decade is the rise of tools that rely heavily on the use of information technology.
  • Starting a business is easier than ever, thanks to advances in information technology.
  • Unlike information technology, though, freight transport has not evolved much during the past few decades.
  • In the private sector, tight budgets for information technology spark innovation.
  • There is also evidence that investment in other sorts of information technology could boost growth.
  • Some would rather hoard cash or buy back their own shares than spend it on more efficient machinery or information technology.
British Dictionary definitions for information technology

information technology

the technology of the production, storage, and communication of information using computers and microelectronics IT
Contemporary definitions for information technology

See infotech

information technology in Science
information technology  
The technology involved with the transmission and storage of information, especially the development, installation, implementation, and management of computer systems within companies, universities, and other organizations.
information technology in Technology

business, jargon
(IT) Applied computer systems - both hardware and software, and often including networking and telecommunications, usually in the context of a business or other enterprise. Often the name of the part of an enterprise that deals with all things electronic.
The term "computer science" is usually reserved for the more theoretical, academic aspects of computing, while the vaguer terms "information systems" (IS) or "information services" may include more of the human activities and non-computerised business processes like knowledge management. Others say that IT includes computer science.